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Bolts and Nuts


Bolts and Nuts require you to clear all wood bars on the screen. When there are no more wooden sticks on the screen, you will have completed a puzzle.

Bolts and Nuts game rules

You are not a professional mechanic but you still have to work with screws in this game. The primary goal is to remove the screws that are holding the wooden bars in place. Can you complete all levels even hard levels in this puzzle game?

Solve puzzles

This game presents a puzzle of how to free all the wooden blocks on the screen. These blocks are fixed with screws. Each screw has its task and you need to decide which screw to remove first. There are small empty holes and you can put screws in these positions. If the wood bars are still there without empty holes, you will lose the game.

Be quick

You only have a little over 3 minutes to remove all the wooden blocks. So, in addition to focusing on the screws, you also need to keep an eye on the remaining time. With a time limit, the game becomes more exciting and gives players a sense of accomplishment when they complete a task.

Some advantages Bolts and Nut brings

Let's take a look at the advantages that this puzzle game can bring. Always remember that some online games are not just for entertainment purposes. You can enhance your skills through other games in 101 Games.

Improve logical thinking

Bolts and Nuts promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. To conquer this game, you must analyze each puzzle, and plan their moves. They must anticipate what will happen and solve some sudden problems. This game is educational for children to develop their cognition.

Reduce stress

Besides, engaging in puzzle games can be a great way to relieve stress. The satisfying feeling of solving a challenging puzzle can boost mood and provide a sense of accomplishment. When players concentrate on solving puzzles, they can forget the stress in daily life.

Manage time

The game encourages players to think quickly and make decisions efficiently because the time is limited. If you can complete the level quickly, you will lose. From that, this game enhances players' ability to manage time and resources effectively.